Chamber of commerce: 69570213
Company VAT: NL002470374B77

22_22STUDIO's website and related services are made available to you in accordance with the following FAQ, and any other rules posted on our Sites. Please read the FAQ carefully before placing any orders on www.2222Studio.com.

22_22STUDIO is a  company registered in the Netherlands under registration number 69570213. Our registered address is Overtoom 504-2,1054 KJ Amsterdam. Our VAT number is NL002470374B77.

In particular, we wish to draw your attention to our policies relating to the terms of purchase within the FAQ and our Privacy Policy. 

We may modify the FAQ from time to time. Please read the FAQ and check back often. If you do not agree to any change to the FAQ then you must immediately stop using the Site. Any changes made after you have placed an order will not affect that order unless we are required to make the change by law.